Diet – a great option for those who have decided to lose weight quickly and effectively, without spending too much effort. Different diets very. They will all be in different way affect your body. So, before you choose a diet, undergo a medical examination and read our advice on diet from personal experience. In this section of the site you can only proven and effective methods of weight loss with special diets.

Some diets easy and simple to follow, because their menu is a balanced and varied diet. The result of such diets does not appear immediately, but may last several years. Other diets that modern hard, but provide a fast result, but definitely will last a short time. A good diet should take into account the individual characteristics of the body. It is very important that you do all the recommendations of diet and endure everything. Then you expect a positive result. If we do not surrender, you will be carefully for a follow-up, it is soon becoming the owner of a very beautiful and a slender body.
List the correct diet for weight loss effective and vegetables, satisfactory diet.
Today, almost every woman concerned with a problem to get rid of excess weight. In the pursuit of a perfect body girl to trample themselves to serious, unnecessary, and often harmful diets, and spend many hours of his time in the gym. But the beautiful figure, you can get and the most simple of ways. Unfortunately, most people do not stop to reflect on the reason of its completeness, and choose your diet. In fact, the diet needs to collect special dietitian taking into account the individual characteristics of Your body. I propose to get acquainted with the two diets that help you to quickly lose the extra pounds without damage to the body.
In the morning before breakfast, drink a glass of water. At breakfast, a salad of apple, pear and citrus fruit, seasoning, low-fat yogurt. For lunch and dinner, it's worth eating the salad out of the vegetables (you can use all the vegetables, except the potatoes), season with lemon juice and olive oil. During the day is allowed to drink low-fat yogurt. In addition, you need large quantities of drinking water, and also is useful green tea.
At breakfast, eat a sandwich of rye bread with butter, apple and banana. Lunch and a bit of potatoes with the peel and a slice of low fat cheese. For dinner, boil 50 grams of chicken and prepare a salad of vegetables. The main rule of this diet – drink more water and every time before a meal to eat the salad with celery, tomatoes, cucumbers and lettuce. Dress the salad with lemon juice and spices. Thanks to this diet, You will be able in a short time your body, not exposing the body strong stress. But you need to remember that no matter what You eat, the result will not be complete without sports. Sport and a healthy diet is the key to a beautiful figure.
What not to do during a diet and not harm your health.
The decision to go on a diet, it is rather the despair, rather than a personal desire, to become more and more beautiful. Often, become a danger to the health, overdoing it with the time and nutrition, sitting on the short term, by limiting to eat, and after the diet, begin to say, which causes even more added weight. Very often the people who are in the gym, trying to or out from a coach something soon, effective diet, a simple way and in a short time to reset everything superfluous. It is easier to eat a week carrot, rather than the time to eat properly and straighten your health. But they forget or do not imply that it is possible to lose weight and delicious, with the use. And if all of this is combined with exercise, the result will be amazing! Keep in mind that the body, the jokes will not forgive, and when I play with the power, he will give You back the lost pounds, but with the bonus.
To the first error. Want to tell a very bad diet, which is considered high-speed for weight-loss. This is a fluid diet. You drink only water, tea, yogurt, kefir. Girls also do not imply a damage to itself and the stomach that cause! You are not receiving the right vitamins, that is causing problems with thinking, movement, occurs, the decline of forces. So, the stomach does not function properly, becomes dense, and the food, which could cause serious problems -until ulcers. And then, when You will want to return to a normal diet, you will not be able to do this because, as it will hurt the stomach, the gravity will be, and other problems. Do not forget that nature has given us teeth to chew! Then, the digestion of food, that is already happening in the mouth, it is necessary for the normal functioning of the stomach and gastric juices! Very, I feel, from this diet!
The second error is. Someone, someone said once that there is a rule value of energy, which is necessary to respect, is 1200 kcal. This is nonsense! Every man has its energy value, which must comply. The can be deduced from any table in the internet. The girl with the growth of 1.75 and a girl with an increase of 1.50, it will never be able to eat the same amount of calories. Also, do not forget that the sweetness of amount does not include. Only organic products which are useful and not harmful. The third error. Run these entries on how to lose weight fast, you need to dry. This means that it is necessary to limit the consumption of water per day, up to 0.5 litres. In any case, don't do it! The only do the athletes and at the moment competitions. Do not drive in the head by the weight of the water increases. Our body is composed of 80% water, and if there will be this water take, then this can cause loss of consciousness, or of the bed of bunk! Not tormentatevi, and do not go to make sacrifices!

Small tricks and secrets of diets for weight loss.
Perhaps, every girl dreams of beautiful, slender and elastic figure. This is especially true prior to the beach season or before some big holidays - Birthday, new year, 8th of March. Why is it so important to seem in a new, each offers all the advantages of a dress or the most beautiful on the beach. To achieve success, of course, can not do without a good diet. And with it you will be able to achieve harmony and lightness, able to accustom the body to a lower consumption of food, and consequently to a gradual loss of weight and to maintain at the right level. With this article, You are sure of what are a series of small, but very effective to reduce weight through diet. And so, let's begin. In the first place, almost all diets are based on a power separate from and is based on the principle of the basic principle, do not mix it with a taken with carbohydrates and proteins. This means that for a meal You can eat only carbohydrates or only protein. The second secret is to consume foods you often, BUT in small portions. Get in the habit of measuring the quantity of You food, for example, a small glass.
The third point in our collection of tricks, is a point just to the dishes of which You eat. Have you ever wondered what exactly Your brain on a par with the stomach sends the signals of hunger? If before You is a huge plate, and on it rests also enough portion of food, Your brain emits a signal to eat a little, and it would be nice to eat something more. So try to only eat from the small dishes, such as, for example, a small beautiful small plate or saucer, small spoon. In this way You will be able to trick the brain and infuse the body, that you Have a sufficient number of food on your plate. The fourth point, we would like to emphasize as sometimes a function of the aesthetic of the food. If in front of You in a pile of stacked pieces of chicken, potatoes and some other kind of salad, You will not get any aesthetic pleasure from the consumption of food, and, consequently, the satisfaction of eating. If it Is nice to decorate the plate, in addition to the pleasure of the service and the food, You can enjoy the sight of dishes and, therefore, able to limit the least amount of food. Well, in the end, the last, the fifth secret of successful weight loss is always in a good mood, adequate physical activity and, of course, Love!
The consequences of diets and tips on how to eat properly, in order not to damage the body.
Very many women want to look good to please men and have resorted to different diets, which damage the body, leading to different consequences. Only there are a lot of possibilities, not to torture yourself and show off in front of the other. We will talk about this in our article. Now it is very fashionable appearance, handsome, looking at the covers of the newspapers, which are depicted in the models without a single blemish, with regard to the forms. And so young girls try to be like them by applying the most heart-rending action, bringing the body to a state of starvation, deprived of the possibility to eat normally. But this only leads to dangerous consequences, by which to rid oneself is very difficult:
- Occurs a violation of the metabolism and subsequently develops cachexia (exhaustion), which seems daunting.
- As the body experiences an insufficient supply of nutrients, there is a weakness, linked to dizziness, and loss of immunity to diseases.
- Appears to be in a bad mood and irritability and insomnia.
- You lose the concentration in the solution of problems due to starvation of the tissues of the brain.
- When the execution of the cases suffer from hair and nails, which become brittle and devitalized.
- Do you not think that after the breaking of the fast in the future, you will be eating and not to heal, usually after such a violation, the consumption of food double body tries to compensate for the stock missing and the appetite to ignite even more, and then there is the risk of adding a lot of unnecessary kilograms.
- And, last of all, these sacrifices can negatively affect your life, then there is no need to risk.
To appear in the form of the optional to force themselves to hunger strike, just comply with some tips that will be useful in the future:
- Do not spend your time to cook, many are resorting to the use of such products, such as fast food (pasta and potatoes instant, and much more), which not only leads to an accumulation in the body of harmful substances, but also metabolic disorders and, of course, an increase in weight. Therefore, to exclude from the diet.
- Eat small portions, but often, the food may be easily digested in the stomach and remember that you need to chew all carefully, without haste.
- Get in the habit of eating until 18.00 or 19.00, of course, if someone does not allow the work, then for 4 hours before going to bed, do not push the food in his stomach, so as not to delay the your body pounds, as well as in the night we sleep and rest, and not the calories burned, but only added to it.
- Less eat sweet, fat and in the oven, I'm not saying just to give up on these dishes, but just not to upload them, and then not look at themselves in the mirror with a sad look.
- Well, and a lot of eating fruits and vegetables are not rich in calories and also available.
Diet fasting, one of the methods of purification of the body and improve the functioning of the brain.
Fasting has been known since ancient times. It was one of the therapeutic methods for the primitive people. Gone are the hundreds of man – years continue to die of hunger, for the case after receiving the wound or sick. The practice of fasting has been established not only as a method for the cleaning of the body, but also as a spiritual purification and recovery. The great Pythagoras before leaving his disciples, into the study of the sciences has required to refrain from eating for the whole month. It was believed that a long period of fasting purifies and elevates the human mind to the top. With the right, moderate fasting eliminated the body, restores health, and the spiritual man. Now, in the modern world, together with the lack of a person using the medicinal plants.
One of the ways to see the positive impact of starvation to person, there are three days of fasting. After a period of 72 hours, improves the functioning of the brain. Previously deriving an unresolved task will be simple and clear. It becomes acute memory, I remember names, places, details of events that are forgotten a couple of years ago. One of the main objectives is the development of intelligence, thus the development of the factor of spiritual and self-cultivation. The conclusion is that the application of fasting has a positive effect on the person in different directions – occurs the recovery of the physical, intellectual growth and spiritual purification.
Diet "favorite". reviews and diet.
Beautiful body is a dream, I seemed to always. Since childhood I was chubby as a small child and they are not shy, everyone said to me that I feel so good. At 13 I started to think that I seem to be, not as good as my girlfriends. They have already begun to flirt with guys, but to me no, if they could afford to wear shorts microscopic, and I'm not. Soon I became very stiff and shy, even if I liked guys, I same them out of the way, as well as thought of to be very thick and the discomfort felt. I started to starve yourself, but anything good has not resulted, as after a couple of days in a water I eat and as a result, plus a kilo of too much. And thus it lasted a very long time. Then I decided that I prefer to adhere to the diet. A lot of diets I have tried, but the result is not satisfied, the weight went away, but not as I would like.
And now I want to share diet, which helped me a lot. I sat on her for 4 months and has lost 19 kg of weight, This diet is probably known to many of the young people is called "Favorite". With her I gained confidence in themselves! Keep on it is very simple, as the diet can make a variety of. The first month I ate very little, but a lot of drinking fluids. Most of all I leaned on fruits and vegetables and protein day, I ate only a chicken breast. For the second month I added the eggs once a week, potatoes once every two weeks. In the fourth month, I still allowed oatmeal in the morning two times a week. But the most important thing that I want to say, the desire to lose weight must come from the heart. A desire for a little it should be a great desire!